Thursday, September 6, 2012

Graco car seat 0 years+ .

graco car seat and quick release base for babies from 0 years up. in immaculate condition from smoke free home. chippenham cambs (betweeewmarket and mildenhall) 25 ONO Many outstanding features:- Huge shopping basket lockable swivel wheels adjustable backrest, footrest and handles peepthrough windows either side of hood front bar for child COME AND SEE IT AND MY MANY OTHER ITEMS for babies, kids, household and hats for special occasions. Babies - pushchairs, travel systems, pramettes, moses baskets, cots, cribs, high chairs, bedding, bouncy chairs, swings, car seats, toys etc Kids - bikes, rideons, rockers (including horses), dolls houses, table top snooker/pool table and other toys. Household - many amazing mirrors, lights of all shapes, sizes, colours and type. Also have curtains, rugs, pictures and cushions. Hats - all shapes and sizes for all your special occasions COME AND GRAB A BARGAIN. All in EXCELLENT CONDITION For sale! ABC buggy with black fabric and a double reclining seat to attach to the buggy iavy fabric turning it into a triple buggy. Included in the sale is a raincover for the buggy, a raincover for the top seat and a sun cover for the buggy. All seats are suitable from birth and have adjustable seat backs. There are pockets on the back of each seat and a large zipped up back under the buggy. The buggy has three air-filled wheels. This buggy would benefit from the 4-wheel conversion kit available direct from the ABC manufacturer in New Zealand... 110 ono black maxicosi car seat with isofix base also comes with head hugger seatbelt


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